Gulika Kalam Today’s Timings and Also Know Whether the Gulika Kaal is Good or Bad for Auspicious Events.

Gulika Kalam Week Day and Timings 

Sunday: 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM (7th Muhurat)
Monday: 1:30 PM to 3 PM (6th Muhurat)
Tuesday: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM (5th Muhurat)
Wednesday: 10:30 AM to 12 PM (4th Muhurat)
Thursday: 9 AM to 10:30 AM (3rd Muhurat)
Friday: 7:30 AM to 9 AM (2nd Muhurat)
Saturday: 6 AM to 7:30 AM (1st Muhurat)

Gulika Kala is one among the prominent hours of a day with the ability to affect a person's fate. Unlike Rahu and Yamaganda Kala, which happens during the daylight hours, gulika kala raises twice a day. In other words, gulika kala repeats itself twice a day. Hence the popular belief goes – whatever happens at gulika Kala will repeat itself. Ancient seers also supported this belief by saying one should not perform any inauspicious work during the Gulika Kala.

Why do we have Gulika Kalam every day?

Gulika like Rahu and Ketu is a shadow planet. Further, Vedic astrology says Gulika is the satellite of Saturn planet. Like Rahu and Ketu, Gulika can affect a person's fate depending on its positioning in the natal chart. The effects also depend on its positioning relative to other prominent planets.
Since Gulika does not have a specific place in the planetary position and is relative, it has not been allocated a weekday in Vedic astrology. To compensate for the same and help ease the effects of the Gulika, 90 minutes or 1.5 hours per day is set aside as Gulika Kala. What sets the gulika kala apart from Rahu and Yamaganda Kala is, Gulika kala raises twice a day – once in the day and once at night.


The origins of Gulika traces back to Thretha yuga or the period of Rama. Ravana, the emperor of Lanka, had struck terror in all the worlds. His influence was so much that he had captured the ashta-dikpalakas and the Navagraha's and had ordered them to move around as he pleased. As the son of the great learned sage Vishrava, he was also a great brahmana who had immense knowledge of astrology and all the worldly knowledge known to Brahmins.
When Ravana was expecting his firstborn with Mandodari, he had commanded all the navagrahas to assemble in the 11th house of his firstborn's natal chart. So scared were the planets that all the planets moved to the 11th house when the birthing hour approached. Ravana was thrilled with the development and shifted his focus on his wife, who was in her labour. 
Sensing the opportunity, Lord Shani, who was displeased with Ravana's authority, shifted to the 12th house just before the birth of Meghanada. Ravana, lost in the ecstasy of having an heir, noticed the change a moment too late. His anger was so immense at discovering Shani's betrayal towards him that he chopped Shani's feet. The feet that fell off from Lord Shani emerged as one of his son or a upagraha – Gulika.
Since he is related to Shani, Gulika also casts malefic effects on a person based on the previous birth's karma. At times, Gulika is considered more malefic than Rahu when he is in conjunction with few planets.

How to calculate Gulika Kalam

To calculate the Gulika Kalam, divide the hours in the day (from sunrise to sunset) into eight sections of 1.5-hour duration. Accordingly, the first muhurat or the segment starts at 6 AM, assuming the sunrise is at the same time, and the last muhurat is from 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM, considering the sun sets at 6:00 PM.

The eighth portion is Lord-less. Hence this is assigned as Rahu Kala.

The remaining seven portions are distributed to the seven Graha with the Lord of the day commencing the first muhurat. The next muhurta is assigned to the planet that follows the graha for the said day. 
The key to calculate Gulika kalam is to remember that Saturn is the ruler of the period allocated to Gulika Kalam. Thus, the portions ruled by Shani is the portion of Gulika or the Gulika Kalam during the day.

Since Gulika Kalama repeats at night, to know the Gulika Kalam at night, divide the night duration into eight equal parts. Commencing from the Lord of the 5th day (by) week, distribute the durations to each planet. Like the day's assignment, again, Shani's portion in the night is the Gulika kalam in the night.

Implications of Gulika Kalam

Gulika is an imitating or shadow planet according to the widespread belief in south India, especially Kerala. Gulika is also known as Mandi or Manda in some cultures, which mean slowing down. The malefic effects of the gulika can at times slow down the work, hence the name mandi. 

Gulika Kalam rising twice in the day implies recurrence. Hence it is said that karma or deed performed during Gulika Kalam repeats itself. So here are a few pointers one can follow to reap the maximum benefits of Gulika Kalam.

  • Avoid travelling during the said time, when unavoidable commence travelling before the start of the Gulika Kalam.
  • Since the chances of karma repeating are high, see to it good deeds are performed during gulika Kala.
  • People purchase gold or conduct auspicious ceremonies such as house warming functions hoping that the process repeats.
  • Do not perform the last rites of a person in the Gulika Kala.
  • Since marriages are meant to last a lifetime, avoid marrying during Gulika Kala.

In case you perform an inauspicious event during gulika kalam without realizing the same, Parashara, in his Hora Shastra, has listed out the remedies that one can follow to mitigate the ill-effects occurring because of the same.

  • Worship Lord Shiva in the evenings
  • Worship Lord Vishnu and Sun in the morning
  • Light Ghee diya or Lamp before Lord Shiva in temples.

There are various ways to plan your path for success, and one such route is avoiding the inauspicious time to start your activity. Know the timings of Gulika Kalam, Yamaganda Kalam and Rahu Kalam before starting your work and chalk out your success story by investing hard work in a favourable time.

Also Know the Rahu Kala Timings For All the Week Days for Sunday, Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday , Friday, Saturday


9 thoughts on “Gulika Kalam Today’s Timings and Also Know Whether the Gulika Kaal is Good or Bad for Auspicious Events.

  1. Lakshmi says:

    This information was very much useful and for if any good or bad thing we are doing we have to see first the kalam and thanks for giving the information for us

  2. Lakshmi says:

    This information was very much useful and for if any good or bad thing we are doing we have to see first the kalam and thanks for giving the information for us

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