Gruhapravesam / Griha Pravesh : Puja Procedure, Dates, Material, Significance 2023

In India, Hindus perform Gruhapravesham to join in a new house. It is also known as a Housewarming ceremony. By choosing auspicious dates and muhurat housewarming ceremony is performed. An auspicious day is determined by the astrologer charts, on that day family moves into the new house. Without performing the Griha Pravesh puja a residence must not occupy or move things into a home.


The housewarming ceremony is a prayer ritual of gratitude. When constructing a new house Vastu Shastra is very important and should perform Vastu Shanti Puja after entering a new house to remove doshas. Even house is made as per Vastu principles, Vastu Shastra says that all residence spaces are alive with hidden entities, prayers are required to purify the space from negativity and permit the flow of positive energy into the house. In Hinduism, the house warming ceremony is regarded second in importance only to the marriage ceremony. During Gruhapravesh, Homam can be performed to invite Gods and Goddesses.

GrihaPravesh Puja

Griha Pravesh | House Warming Puja Muhurat Dates in 2023

Griha Pravesh | House Warming Puja Muhurat Dates in 2023

Start time End time Nakshatra
Wed, Jan 4, 06:35 AM Thu, Jan 5, 12:01 AM Rohini
Wed, Jan 25, 08:05 PM Thu, Jan 26, 10:28 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
Mon, Jan 30, 10:15 PM Tue, Jan 31, 06:39 AM Rohini
Start time End time Nakshatra
Wed, Feb 1, 06:38 AM Wed, Feb 1, 02:02 PM Mrigashirsha
Wed, Feb 22, 06:38 AM Thu, Feb 23, 03:24 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
Start time End time Nakshatra
Wed, Mar 1, 06:28 AM Wed, Mar 1, 09:52 AM Mrigashirsha
Mon, Mar 27, 05:28 PM Tue, Mar 28, 06:11 AM Mrigashirsha
Start time End time Nakshatra
Wed, Apr 5, 09:19 AM Wed, Apr 5, 11:23 AM Uttara Phalguni
Mon, Apr 24, 08:25 AM Tue, Apr 25, 02:07 AM Mrigashirsha
Start time End time Nakshatra
Mon, May 1, 05:51 PM Mon, May 1, 10:10 PM Uttara Phalguni
Wed, May 3, 08:56 PM Wed, May 3, 11:50 PM Chitra
Mon, May 22, 05:45 AM Mon, May 22, 10:37 AM Mrigashirsha
Mon, May 29, 11:49 AM Tue, May 30, 04:29 AM Uttara Phalguni
Wed, May 31, 06:00 AM Wed, May 31, 01:46 PM Chitra
Start time End time Nakshatra
Wed, Jun 28, 05:49 AM Wed, Jun 28, 04:00 PM Chitra
Start time End time Nakshatra
Sat, Jul 1, 01:17 AM Sat, Jul 1, 05:49 AM Anuradha
Mon, Jul 24, 10:12 PM Tue, Jul 25, 05:56 AM Chitra
Fri, Jul 28, 01:28 AM Sat, Jul 29, 12:55 AM Anuradha
Start time End time Nakshatra
Tue, Aug 1, 03:52 AM Tue, Aug 1, 05:57 AM Uttara Ashadha
Fri, Aug 18, 10:57 PM Sat, Aug 19, 06:00 AM Uttara Phalguni
Mon, Aug 21, 06:00 AM Tue, Aug 22, 02:00 AM Chitra
Mon, Aug 28, 06:23 PM Tue, Aug 29, 02:43 AM Uttara Ashadha
Start time End time Nakshatra
Mon, Sep 18, 06:01 AM Mon, Sep 18, 12:07 PM Chitra
Thu, Sep 21, 02:15 PM Thu, Sep 21, 03:35 PM Anuradha
Mon, Sep 25, 06:01 AM Mon, Sep 25, 11:55 AM Uttara Ashadha
Fri, Sep 29, 01:48 AM Fri, Sep 29, 03:27 PM Uttara Bhadrapada
Start time End time Nakshatra
Thu, Oct 26, 11:27 AM Fri, Oct 27, 06:57 AM Uttara Bhadrapada
Start time End time Nakshatra
Sat, Nov 18, 01:17 AM Sat, Nov 18, 06:12 AM Uttara Ashadha
Wed, Nov 22, 06:37 PM Thu, Nov 23, 05:16 PM Uttara Bhadrapada
Mon, Nov 27, 01:35 PM Mon, Nov 27, 02:46 PM Rohini
Start time End time Nakshatra
Fri, Dec 15, 08:10 AM Fri, Dec 15, 10:30 PM Uttara Ashadha
Tue, Dec 26, 05:47 AM Tue, Dec 26, 06:32 AM Mrigashirsha


Griha Pravesh | House Warming Puja Muhurat Dates in 2022

     Griha Pravesh Muhurat Dates                  Auspicious Muhurat                         Days                        Nakshatra                                       Tithi                    
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Muhurats in January 2022
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in February 2022
05-02-2022 06:45 AM to 03:46 AM, Feb 06 Saturday Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Panchami
10-02-2022 11:08 AM to 06:44 AM, Feb 11 Thursday Rohini, Mrigashirsha Dashami
11-02-2022 06:44 AM to 06:38 AM, Feb 12 Friday Mrigashirsha Dashami, Ekadashi
18-02-2022 04:42 PM to 06:41 AM, Feb 19 Friday Uttara Phalguni Dwitiya, Tritiya
19-02-2022 06:41 AM to 04:52 PM Saturday Uttara Phalguni Tritiya
21-02-2022 06:40 AM to 04:17 PM Monday Chitra Panchami
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in March 2022
26-03-2022 08:01 PM to 06:19 AM, Mar 27 Saturday Uttara Ashadha Dashami
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Muhurats in April 2022
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in May 2022
02-05-2022 12:34 AM to 05:58 AM, May 03 Monday Rohini Dwitiya
11-05-2022 07:28 PM to 05:55 AM, May 12 Wednesday Uttara Phalguni Ekadashi
12-05-2022 05:55 AM to 06:51 PM Thursday Uttara Phalguni Ekadashi
13-05-2022 06:48 PM to 05:55 AM, May 14 Friday Chitra Trayodashi
14-05-2022 05:55 AM to 03:22 PM Saturday Chitra Trayodashi
16-05-2022 01:18 PM to 05:54 AM, May 17 Monday Anuradha Pratipada
25-05-2022 05:53 AM to 05:53 AM, May 26 Wednesday Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Dashami, Ekadashi
26-05-2022 05:53 AM to 10:54 AM Thursday Revati Ekadashi
Griha Pravesh Puja Dates in June 2022
01-06-2022 05:52 AM to 01:01 PM Wednesday Mrigashirsha Dwitiya
10-06-2022 05:53 AM to 03:37 AM, Jun 11 Friday Chitra Dashami, Ekadashi
16-06-2022 12:37 PM to 05:54 AM, Jun 17 Thursday Uttara Ashadha Tritiya
22-06-2022 08:45 PM to 05:55 AM, Jun 23 Wednesday Revati Dashami, Ekadashi
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in July 2022
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in August 2022
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Dates in September 2022
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Muhurats in October 2022
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in November 2022
18-11-2022 11:08 PM to 06:20 AM, Nov 19 Friday Uttara Phalguni Dashami
19-11-2022 06:20 AM to 12:14 AM, Nov 20 Saturday Uttara Phalguni Dashami, Ekadashi
28-11-2022 06:24 AM to 10:29 AM Monday Uttara Ashadha Panchami
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in December 2022
02-12-2022 06:27 AM to 06:27 AM, Dec 03 Friday Uttara Bhadrapada Dashami
03-12-2022 06:27 AM to 05:34 AM, Dec 04 Saturday Revati Ekadashi
08-12-2022 09:37 AM to 06:30 AM, Dec 09 Thursday Rohini, Mrigashirsha Pratipada
09-12-2022 06:30 AM to 02:59 PM Friday Mrigashirsha Pratipada, Dwitiya

Griha Pravesh | House Warming Puja Muhurat Dates in 2021

The house warming puja purifies and consecrates the house nooks and corners. Good days in 2020 & 2021 to enter a new house are mentioned below.

Griha Pravesh Muhurat Dates      Auspicious Muhurat     Days Nakshatra Tithi        
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in January 2021
 09-01-2021 12:32 PM to 07:17 PM Saturday Anuradha Ekadashi
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates  in February 2021
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Dates in March 2021
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Muhurats in April 2021
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in May 2021
13-05-2021 05:40 AM to 05:40 AM Thursday Rohini Dwitiya
14-05-2021 05:40 AM to 05:39 AM Friday Mrigashirsha Tritiya
21-05-2021 03:23 PM to 05:36 AM Friday Uttara Phalguni Dashami
22-05-2021 05:36 AM to 02:06 PM Saturday Uttara Phalguni Dashami, Ekadashi
24-05-2021 05:35 AM to 09:49 AM Monday Chitra Trayodashi
26-05-2021 04:43 PM to 01:16 AM Wednesday Anuradha Pratipada
Griha Pravesh Puja  Dates in June 2021
04-06-2021 05:33 AM to 05:33 AM Friday Uttara Bhadrapada, Revati Dashami, Ekadashi
05-06-2021 05:33 AM to 11:28 PM Saturday Revati Ekadashi
19-06-2021 08:29 PM to 05:33 AM Saturday Chitra Dashami
26-06-2021 05:35 AM to 02:36 AM Saturday Uttara Ashadha Dwitiya, Tritiya
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in July 2021
01-07-2021 05:37 AM to 02:01 PM Thursday Uttara Bhadrapada Saptami
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates  in August  2021
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Dates in September 2021
No Auspicious Griha Pravesh Puja Muhurats in October 2021
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in November 2021
05-11-2021 02:23 AM to 06:40 AM Friday Anuradha Dwitiya
06-11-2021 06:40 AM to 11:39 PM Saturday Anuradha Dwitiya, Tritiya
10-11-2021 08:25 AM to 03:42 PM Wednesday Uttara Ashadha Saptami
20-11-2021 06:50 AM to 06:51 AM Saturday Rohini Pratipada, Dwitiya
29-11-2021 06:57 AM to 09:42 PM Monday Uttara Phalguni Dashami
Griha Pravesh Muhurats or Dates in December 2021
13-12-2021 07:07 AM to 02:05 AM Monday Revati Dashami, Ekadashi


Check the Ekadashi dates

Gruhapravesh with Homam

Gruhapravesam Puja Procedure

Gruhapravesam puja pleases the Vastu deity. Purohit performs this ceremony by chanting mantras to invoke the blessings of Vastu Shastra. Gruhapravesam procedure takes one and half hour time, Puja procedure is given below. During the Gruhapravesam ceremony, Satyanarayana Vratham is very important.

Gruhapravesam puja

Satyanarayana Puja is about offering various items to Lord Vishnu as a token of gratitude for all successes and well beings happened in one’s life. An occasion where one decides to credit his success to almighty thereby seeking his support in ventures to come. It can be done on any day, specially Purnima day or full moon day is considered very auspicious to do this puja. The word “Satya” means truth, “Narayana” means the one that accepts everything and everybody. Satya Narayana Puja is the worship of Lord Narayana. Satyanarayana is one of the forms of Vishnu. In the ceremony of Satyanarayana, puja is also to bring friends and family together. This puja protects you from conducting evil and teaches us to be on the path of truth and goodness. At the time of Satyanarayana puja bring your friends and relatives it increases encourage unity and harmony. Worshiping Lord Satyanarayana will be the ultimate way of getting happiness and moksha in the kali yuga.

Required Pooja Material

Wicks, Oil, Navadhanya, Photos of Gods, Milk, New Vessel for Boiling Milk, Dhoti, Angavastram(new), Aarthi Plates, Bell, Kalasham, Mango Leaves, Lemon, Havan Samagri, Wood Sticks, Navagraha Cloths, Mango Leaves

1. Break a Coconut

The Vastu deity can appease in the outside for that, the lady breaks a coconut that, is placed on the threshold.

2. Kalash Puja

kalash puja

After breaking a coconut, one performs Kalash puja by filling it with water, a coin and nine types of grains.

3. Place Coconut on Kalash

In red cloth, one can tie the coconut. Then, one should place a coconut on the top of Kalash with mango leaves.

4. Recite Mantras

For doing Kalash puja, a priest can chant the sacred mantras.

5. Carry Kalash Pot Inside The House

Inside the house to place a Kalash near to havan, both husband and wife should carry this pot.

6. Cow and Calf Entry

cow and calf entry for housewarming cermony

At the traditional entry, the cow and calf entry is first before family members. This brings prosperity and positive energies into their houses.

7. Boil Milk

After completion of puja, the lady of the house boils the milk and the milk must spillover.

milk boiling for gruhapravesam

8. Milk Offering

After finishing of boiling milk, the lady offers this milk to family deity. Then she offers milk to the family members.

9. Stay Overnight

Then, family members must provide proper food to the priests. Also, they must stay there overnight and they should not lock the house.

10. Keep Diya Burning

The Diya should keep burning, to attract spiritual energies.

Significance of Griha Pravesh Puja

  1. It removes bad effects like evil eye, negative energy, and ill effects.
  2. By doing this puja, it bestows with inner peace, mental peace to the family members.
  3. It aids in improving fortune and good luck.
  4. It removes bad thoughts from the minds of the family members.
  5. This puja provides spiritual bliss to the family members.

Tips for Gruhapravesh & Important Things to Consider

  1. When a family enters a newly built house, homeowners must give more attention to auspicious muhurta to celebrate the Gruhapravesh ceremony. Vastu Shastra is more important during the first entry into a newly built home. Gruhapravesh mainly performed to get blessings from five elements Earth, Space, Water, Fire, and Wind. By doing this puja, these five elements will give happiness and peaceful mind.
  2. As per Hindu beliefs, if the house warming ceremony is performed at a favorable time on an auspicious date, it will give success and happiness. Navaratri is one of the most important auspicious days to enter one’s house for the first time. If the ceremony completed in these auspicious days, it will remove all evil and negative effects of the house, make it auspicious.
  3. In Hinduism, many people are not aware of customs associated with Griha Pravesh, for them, we are giving some Gruhapravesh tips to make this ceremony auspicious and enjoyable.
  4. The House warming ceremony should be done, only when the family is willing to shift into, and the house is ready to move in. Before ceremony day the entire house all doors, shutters should be in place along with the roof covering, it brings peace into the family.
  5. During the Griha Pravesh ceremony, the gods and goddesses idols should be placed in the East direction of the house, and should not keep against the house walls. Ganapathi puja should be performed.
  6. Before the puja, the total house cleaned with salt, for the purification of the house. Also, sprinkled holy water all over the house to instill a sense of purity.
  7. The house main door must be furnished with torans consisting of fresh flowers and mango leaves. The main gate should be decorated with swastika symbols and Lakshmi feet (for good fortune) because the main gate is called Simha dwara and is the face of the Vastu Purusha.
  8. The floor must be embellished with colorful rangoli made up of various colors and rice flour. People believe that rangoli invites the goddess Lakshmi, who is the symbol of prosperity and wealth.
  9. While entering the house, always put your right foot first.
  10. On the day of Gruhapravesam, a kalasha filled with water or milk should be placed inside the house, later donated to someone deprived or in a temple the next day.
  11. On this auspicious occasion, feast should be offered to priests.
  12. On the day of Graha Pravesh, the inhabitants of the house should sleep. in that house for that last night.
  13. In the kitchen of the house, milk should be boiled to bring good fortune.
  14. After finishing of Graha Pravesh ceremony, the house should not be left entirely, for the next 40days. At least one member should be present in the house.

Do’s and Don’ts of Griha Pravesh

Sl. No Do’s Don’ts
1 Gruhapravesh should be done on auspicious dates or by choosing Shubh Muhurat During Yamaganda Kala puja should not be performed, and entering into the house should be avoided.
2 Clean the entire house with water such as floor, doors, windows, and roofs. Should not remain one place to be cleaned
3 Clean the furniture with a wet cloth Don’t shift the furniture, keep it as mentioned in Vastu Sastra
4 Before entering a house break pumpkin to remove evil eye Do not enter without breaking pumpkin
5 Enter with cow and calf as it is significant to remove dosha in new house Don’t allow others to enter before Grupravesh after cleaning the house, like servants, cats, pets, etc.
6 Always enter the house by stepping right foot first, as it denotes well-being Do not enter the house by stepping left foot first, because it is not good
7 The God idol and God photo frames should be placed in the North-East direction facing the idol West direction. Without God Idol, you should not enter the house.
8 Satyanarayana Swamy photo frame is compulsory to do Pooja, Vrat and Homam Without the Sathyanarayana Swamy photo, Griha Pravesh Puja cannot be done.
9 Raw milk has to bring and to boil at the right Muhurat of Gruhapravesh Boiled milk is not used to boil again during Muhurat time
10 Milk has to flow out of the bowl while boiling the milk is considered good If milk does not flow out of the bowl, the Gruhapravesh puja is considered as incomplete.
11 The owner of the house or the belongings of the house has to sleep for that night in the new house. You should not go out after puja and allow servants to sleep for that night in the new house.


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Book Gruhapravesh Puja


37 thoughts on “Gruhapravesam / Griha Pravesh : Puja Procedure, Dates, Material, Significance 2023

  1. Unni says:

    Dec 12 moving to New house in Canada. Doing kumbham and ganesh puja. Can we stay on dec 11 and do puja with purohit on dec 12?

  2. Malathi Srinath says:

    Namaste Guru, Can you please suggest dates for flat registration and house warming in the month of November. we are following Tamil calender

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  8. Bianca Owen says:

    I have been playing the lottery since I was 19 years and now I am 47 meaning I have been playing the lottery for 28 years. The biggest amount I have ever won in my life was USD 1200 bucks. But one day my story turns to history after I found this man’s name on the Internet that he is the best when it comes to winning the lottery. This man is a very strong voodoo Psychic who gives out the numbers that can never fail. After all my years of laboring and struggling to win the lottery I finally won a big amount that I will be able to set a business for my family and pay off my accumulated debts. Here is Dr Osita Email: or WhatsApp +15088120454. He specialized on the following spells: *LOVE SPELLS *MARRIAGE SPELLS *MONEY SPELLS *BEAUTY SPELLS *WEALTH SPELLS *SEXUAL ATTRACTION SPELLS *HIV CURE SPELLS *CASINO SPELLS *REMOVE CURSE SPELLS *PROTECTION SPELLS *LOTTERY SPELLS *GOODLUCK SPELLS *FERTILITY SPELLS

  9. Bianca Owen says:

    I have been playing the lottery since I was 19 years and now I am 47 meaning I have been playing the lottery for 28 years. The biggest amount I have ever won in my life was USD 1200 bucks. But one day my story turns to history after I found this man’s name on the Internet that he is the best when it comes to winning the lottery. This man is a very strong voodoo Psychic who gives out the numbers that can never fail. After all my years of laboring and struggling to win the lottery I finally won a big amount that I will be able to set a business for my family and pay off my accumulated debts. Here is Dr Osita Email: or WhatsApp +15088120454. He specialized on the following spells: *LOVE SPELLS *MARRIAGE SPELLS *MONEY SPELLS *BEAUTY SPELLS *WEALTH SPELLS *SEXUAL ATTRACTION SPELLS *HIV CURE SPELLS *CASINO SPELLS *REMOVE CURSE SPELLS *PROTECTION SPELLS *LOTTERY SPELLS *GOODLUCK SPELLS *FERTILITY SPELLS

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  12. johnson says:

    Being heart broken isn’t a thing of joy you know. My wife got me divorced after she caught me cheating on her with my ex lover. Was so ashamed and felt so disappointed in myself. I couldn’t bear the fact that I no longer have a life partner so I decided to try to get my wife back with everything I could possibly do but nothing worked out. Not till I was referred to Dr Ogodo who made what I thought was impossible to be possible by bringing back my wife within 24 hours after I made contact with him. I can boldly and joyfully say that my marriage is working just fine and more beautiful than before and I’m so happy to have gotten in contact with Dr Ogodo for he’s really a genius, Thanks to sandra leo too for connecting me to Dr Ogodo. If you have any issues regardless of how big it is, Dr Ogodo will sort it out for you. he can as well treat all kinds of virus diseases such as HERPES,STD,HSV1,HEPATITIS B HPV His Email address; Or call his whatsapp number on; +2348124774363 for urgent response {}

  13. Sonal says:

    It is said that dusshera is the best day to do griha pravesh but for 2021, it is not showing up on any list of muhurats. Can we do griha pravesh on dusshera October 2021?

  14. Bhavana says:

    We plan to move to our own home which we just purchased, during Navratri. I have no choice since we have to vacate the present rented home. I can see there are no auspicious dates in Oct. but is it possible In Navratri

  15. ravi A says:

    Hello Pandit Ji, We have purchased house in Australia and need to ask if we can do Ghrah Pravesh on Dhanteras (12/Nov/2020) or what are early dates available from 30/Oct/2020 to 15/Nov/2020 as we are planning to move in before Diwali. Thank you in Advance.

  16. Pradnya Poojari says:

    Namaste Panditji, We are planning to move from one place to another place within Mumbai city on rental basis in the first week of october 2020 please suggest

  17. Kalyani says:

    We got marriage on Feb 27th, 2020. We bought new flat in Hyderabad. My age 26 years and my husband age is 30 years. So can we have right to do poojas ( like hammam, yagnam and satyanarayana vratham etc) for house warming as we are newly married couples. Could you please suggest us. Thank You.

  18. bhuvanesh says:

    Dear sir, I am planning to do gruhapravesam for my new home. Should we do this pooja after fully furnished the home with all wood works completed and only when we are ready to move in. We thought of doing this pooja and then do the wood work. Wood work will take 4 months and probably we will shift after 4-5 months after the pooja. Which is advisable? Please suggest.

  19. Kaberi Mukherjee says:

    Can we perform Grihoprobesh puja on 15/2/21. But we will shift after wood work finish in 20th March 2021. As there is no auspicious day in March2021.

  20. mohana says:

    We will be completing purchase of our new home on 25th February 2021. Is the day auspicious for Gruhapravesam. Any other date auspicious until 7th March 2021? Thanks

  21. Suguna Kethineni says:

    June 4th 2021 is good for gruhapravesam my husband Nakshatram is mrugashirsha Nakshatram and mine is hasta Nakshatram . We are living in Baltimore, USA. Can you please let me know the date and timing. Thank you

  22. Ranjani Mitra says:

    I am unmarried and from Madhya Pradesh. I am staying alone with my mother. Can my mother sit on Gruhapravesam puja? And need pandit for this ceremony. Can you provide us with my location?

  23. Chayan Dugar says:

    I am staying in the UK, DOB is 8th August 1988, time 11:55 PM born in Delhi. Can I perform Griha Pravesh pooja on my own? And which time, nakshatra is good?

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