
Ram Navami Special


Original price was: ₹ 950.00.Current price is: ₹ 849.00.

Ram Navami Special

Vamvarti Blowing Shankh

Original price was: ₹ 849.00.Current price is: ₹ 711.93.
Original price was: ₹ 699.00.Current price is: ₹ 499.00.
Original price was: ₹ 1,699.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,399.00.

Buy Shank Online at Lowest Prices in India @Puja N Pujari

Shank or Conch shells hold a special place among Hindus and Buddhists. The sound emanating from the conch shells by blowing into them produces OM sound, which is also said to be the vibration of the universe. Hence, Hindus believe that using Shankh during pooja and other auspicious occasions will disturb the house's negative vibrations and help restore the positive energies at homes.

Shankh and Mythology

Shankh carries a lot of importance in the Hindu mythologies. The treatise depicts Shankh as an integral part of announcements. The Shankhs were blown, to announce the arrival of prominent people into the courts, as a danger signal to announce the arrival of enemies, or at the start of battles.
Lord Vishnu has a Shankh named Panchajanya when blown signified death to the enemies. Similarly, the Pancha Pandavas each had Shankh with a name to each one of them.
According to Buddhist Mythologies, Shank is one of the eight auspicious symbols - Ashtamangala. The spirals inside denote the hair locks of Buddha and hence are an object of worship for Buddhists.

Types of Shankh

Found in the Indian ocean, Shankhs are outer shells of the sea snail species Turbinella Pyrum. They appear as porcelains and are hollow inside. Based on how the sea snails coil, there are two types of Shankh, both available for sale on our PujaNPujari online shopping portal.
●Vamavarti: The Vamavarti or the left coiling or the Shankhs with clockwise spirals when viewed from apex are more common of the two. This Shank is more commonly associated with Lord Shiva.
●Dakshinavarti: Associated with Lord Vishnu, the Dakshinavarti conch's have counter-clockwise coils or spirals. These are also said to be the abode of Goddess Lakshmi Devi and are used by Ayurvedic practitioners to concoct medications.

Uses of Shank

●Shankh is used in Vastu shastra to set the defects right.
●They are used to signify the end of auspicious pooja or celebration in current times.
●Shankha was used as the earliest form of trumpet and acted as a signal carrier.
●Small-sized Shankha is used to perform abhishekam to idols of gods and goddesses at home while the big ones find heir use in temples. 
●Ancient scripture mentions that obtaining theertha from the conch will absolve sins of the past seven lives.
●Shankha is extensively used in Ayurveda to treat ailments. For example - the Shankha Bhasma contains calcium, iron, and magnesium, which cures digestive issues.
●The conch finds its use in the fashion industry as people use it to prepare bangles, bracelets, earrings, and other fashionable items.

Online Shopping for Shankh with PujaNPujari

Since having the Shankh is auspicious, you can now buy either Vamavarti or Dakshinavarti original Shank from our online PujaNPujari website. Our online shop offers you the best