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Buy Saraswati Yantra Online @Puja N Pujari

Goddess saraswati is the giver of wisdom, knowledge, prosperity, intellect and all worldly pleasures. She is vidya in herself and embodies great divine power which can treat all the problems like mental disorders and low intellectual growth by worshiping this yantra. She blesses with art, culture, music, dance, knowledge, wisdom and everything to her disciples.

  1. Placing this yantra in north or east direction matching with our eyes makes us aware of her presence. Its divinity leaves an impression on our mind to be concentrated and dedicated towards studies and other art forms.  

Significance of Saraswati Yantra

  1. It improves any kind of disorders, ill fate regarding studies and improves our concentration power, dedication towards achieving something in life.

Mantra for Saraswati Yantra

" Om Shreem Hreem Saraswatyai Namaha "


1. Which mantra used for Saraswati yantra?

Om Saraswati Mayaa Drishtwa, Veena Pustak Dharnim | 

Hans Vahini Samayuktaa Maa Vidya Daan Karotu Me Om ||

Om Aing Hreeng Shreeng Vaagdevyai Saraswatyai Namah

2. How Saraswathi yantra will works?

The divine power of yantra will pitch force when you focus on a yantra, the proper installation that generates cosmic energy at your home, shop, and office.